Scouts, Parents, Leaders:
St Joseph Church is hosting the 2022 Holiday Bazaar. Our Charter Organization, The Holy Name Society is planning to participate in the bazaar with a booth as well as assisting in the setup and cleanup for the event Troop 103 can be a big part of the event by assisting the Holy Name and Parrish.
Will Smith, of the Holy Name Society will be organizing the Bazaar assistant efforts and can provide further specific direction to helpers on location during the following opportunities:
Sign-up can be done at Troop Meetings using the form below.
Bazaar Assistance/Time Location at St. Joseph Social Hall and/or Gymnasium
Sign-up Names of Scout, Parent, or Adult
| Bazaar Setup and/or organizing Sale Items: Thursday, November 10, 6PM until? | Bazaar Setup and/or organizing Sale Items:
Friday, November 11, 6PM until? | Bazaar Event
Saturday, November 12, | Bazaar Event Clean-up
Saturday, November 12, Cleanup at 2PM to 3PM? |
John Doe | Yes | Yes | Yes | |