Today we celebrate Scout Sunday. St. Joseph’s Cub Pack and Boy Scout Troop have been proudly serving our parish, and community for 104 years.
Scouts pledge to timeless Oath and Laws. Simple things like…
- Doing your best,
- Duty to God,
- And Laws like being Trustworthy, Helpful, Courteous and being Reverent to name a few.
All of these values are consistent with our Christian value system.
Scouting is about achievement and recognition through its carefully developed skills and advancement program. Scouting provides youth with opportunities to participate in fun activities.
Cub Scouts include boys and girls from K through 5th grade and are led by parents and leaders.
The Troop is for older scouts aged 11 through 17 and focuses on achievement, developing character and leadership skills.
The older scouts plan monthly Outdoor Adventures like Sailing the Florida Keys, sleeping on aircraft carriers or submarines, aquatic activities at the beach, and learning and practicing wilderness survival skills. We also participate in the week-long Summer Camp where boys can learn and experience independence and self-confidence.
Participation in Scouting is not an exclusive activity. Many of our scouts participate in other activities like Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Wrestling, Football and Band activities. Many of those same scouts have gone on to become Eagle Scouts. The highest achievement any Scout can earn.
In fact, the Troop has over 88 Eagle Scouts, including two scouts who earned the rank in the past year.
Scouting means leadership, achievement, service, character. If you have kids or grandkids between the ages 5 to 17 who are spending too much time indoors… We welcome them to join our award winning Cub Pack or Scout Troop. There are no prerequisites except for the desire for fun and adventure. Please see any adult leader in the Narthex after this mass for more information about our program and the activities that we offer.
The founder of the scouting movement once said: The sport in Scouting is to find the good in every youth and develop it.
I would like to close by thanking our sponsor, “Saint Joseph Holy Name Society” and YOU the parish for the spiritual and financial support you have given us over the years.