Winter Court of Honor and Scout Sunday – February 1-2, 2014

Dear Parents, Scouts, and Leaders:

Here is the upcoming schedule for next weekend events.

  • Court of Honor:   Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 6:15 PM
  • Scout Sunday:   Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 9:00 AM mass

In coordination with Pack 103, the Troop will be celebrating Scout Sunday on Sunday, February 2 at the 9:00 AM mass.

The Winter Court of Honor will be held the night before on Saturday, February 1 beginning at 6:15PM.  All scouts are encouraged to attend and support those who are receiving rank advancements, merit badges and the Scout of the Year award.   More details about the Court of Honor program will be communicated on Tuesday to the scouts at the troop meeting.

At the Court of Honor there will be a Friends of Scouting Campaign presentation conducted by Ken Zinn. This is the annual giving campaign to support our local Scout council.  As members of the New Birth of Freedom Council, our voluntary financial support is important.  The Friends of Scouting campaign helps fund items such as maintenance of our camping facilities, professional support services, program administration, and volunteer training. 

Each family is encouraged to support the Friends of Scouting Campaign, so please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the campaign that is meaningful to you.  We are striving to have 100% participation.

If you have any questions before the presentation, please feel free to contact me via email at .

Thank you for your consideration,

Robert Zinn, Troop 103 Committee Chair