Troop 103 – Recipients of Religious Emblems for both the Cub Pack and Troop

National Catholic Committee of Scouting website:

Light of Christ Emblem

The purpose is to help the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents’ active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and his friend.

Program Objectives
  • To support the role of the parents as the primary catechists of their children.
  • To have the Scout identify Jesus as a real person and as his friend.
  • To foster early family religious involvement.
  • To be a stepping stone toward Parvuli Dei and the other religious emblems, when the parents are involved.
  • To serve as a catalyst to draw the parents into a deeper involvement with the church, through the child.

Registered 6 and 7 year old (Tiger or Wolf) Cub Scout of Catholic Faith.

1994Luke Bohrer
1994Nick Eltz
1994Matt Essick
1994Ryan Gilbert
1994Victor Konsavage
1994Michael Kruger
1994Joseph Miller
1994Franz Placke
1994Dustin Sellman
1994Eric Semans
1994Paul Seymour
1994Chris Silver
1994Adam Slusser
1994Adam Smith
1994Matt Smith
1994Chris Wildasin
1995Nicholas Bowers
1995David Hahn
1995Stephen Hahn
1995Alex Harner
1995Robert Hill
1995Joseph Lutz
1995Andrew Northup
1995Cory Wasielzyk
1996Adam McMaster
1996Philip L. Slusser
1997Ethan Koval
1997Justin Kruger
1997Erik A. Smith
1997Jason Staub
1997Brian Zinn
1998Cameron Dell
1998Michael Hoffacker
1998Jared Johnston
1998Brandon Kaminski
1998Mark Slusser
1998Richard C. Zinn
1999Joshua McIntyre
1999Alan Gobrecht
1999Robbie O’Shea
1999Aaron E. Smith
1999Nathaniel O. Smith
2000Lucas Slusser
2001Michael J. Buckheit
2001Cortlin Dell
2001Ethan C. Grove
2001Erick Von Sas
2003Chaz L. Dubs
2003Daniel J. Ernst
2003Douglas Krout
2004Jacob C. Grove
2004David B. Zinn
2005Nicholas Boddiford
2005Mark Evich
2005Clint A. Wright
2006Brendan Boyer
2006Nicholas Evich
2006Nicolas A. Seymour
2006Justin Smith
2006Conor Toomey
2008Dominic Dunn
2008Christopher Schaefer
2008Jarrod Stebick
2008Spencer Trump

Parvuli Dei Emblem

The purpose of the Parvuli Dei (Children of God) emblem is to help young boys explore a wide range of activities in order to discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their families and parishes, and also to develop a good, positive self-image through the contributions they can make to the group or community.

Program Objectives
  • To help the Scout of his age develop an awareness of God’s love for each one of His special, unique created beings.
  • To help the Scout become aware and understand his identity as an important member of his family, his community, and as a member of the Family of God.
  • To continue to develop an awareness as members of the parish and the Body of Christ.
  • To aid the Scout in his awareness of the responsibilities that grow out of God’s love for us.

Registered 8 to 10 year old (Bear or Webelos) of Catholic Faith.

1975Neil Brown
1975Andy Crouse
1975Jim Dehoff
1975Neil Smith
1977Jeff Huff
1977Michael McCullough
1977Robert Sellman
1977Chris Spangler
1977Robert Warner
1978Brian Hockensmith
1978Danny Hoke
1978Eric Kenworthy
1978Lawrence Markle
1978Bradley Mitz
1978Richard Newcomb
1978David Rice
1979Douglas Baker
1979Michael Buckley
1979Steven Hunleg
1979Vincent Redding
1979Robert Rice
1979George Sauter III
1979Joseph Sauter
1979Jeffrey Smith
1979Scott Thomassy
1979Edgar Wetzel
1979Alan Williquette
1980Michael Becker
1980Leon Little
1980Stephen Miller
1980Michael Reed
1980Douglas Sanders
1980Thomas Shoemaker
1980Stephen Weaver
1981Ben Becker
1981Matthew Buckley
1981Mark Dubs
1981Scott Gyenes
1981Kenny Hartlaub
1981Michael Klunk
1981Michael Lawrence
1981Craig Rang
1981Gary Sabel
1981Travis Shearer
1981Joel Smith
1982Erik Bunty
1982Stephen Elliot
1982Thomas Elliot
1982Jeff Ernst
1982Bryant McCusker
1982Tim Rang
1982Mark Salois
1982David E. Sanders
1982Kenny Smith
1982David Timmins
1982Brett Weaver
1982Bryan Wheeler
1983Duane Brooks
1983Steven Brown
1983Jeffrey Dehoff
1983Daniel Grove
1983David Keating
1983Matthew Keefer
1983William Lambert
1983Brent Panebaker
1983Jesse Tomaz
1983Chad Topper
1984Jason Groft
1984Jonathan Groft
1984Brian Smith
1984Scott Stair
1984Michael Wetzel
1985Jason Bittle
1985Joseph Bunty
1985Brian Ernst
1985Bryan Meyer
1985Bryan Noel
1986William Ault
1986Mark Brown
1986Frank Conrad
1986Kevin McCusker
1986Vincent Pugliese
1986Chris Schumacher
1986John Smith
1987Jason Carbaugh
1987Donald Eck
1987Ryan Muller
1987Jared Voelkerding
1988Jeremy Ault
1988Joshua Boyer
1988Ben Eltz
1988Dan Keefer
1988Sean Schumacher
1988Shawn ?
1988Joel Staub
1988Mike Wise
1988George Zimmerman
1989Erik Benvin
1989Adam Cole
1989Scott Conrad
1989Michael Etzler
1989Erik Hemler
1989Dustin Riggs
1989Justin Staub
1989Mark Wherley
1990Brian Laughman
1990Darren Smith
1990Dwain Smith
1990Matthew Smith
1991Paul Arigo
1991Jared Aumen
1991Mitchell Cole
1991Zachary Heilman
1991Tommy Hockensmith
1991Brian Small
1991Justin Small
1991Ulrich Smith
1991Chris Stummer
1992Ben Wildasin
1992Jason Wright
1993Hank Baugher
1993Damien Camel
1993Thomas Rose
1993Adam Warner
1994Roland Bohrer
1994Sean Bollinger
1994Chris Gilbert
1995Matthew Lutz
1995Ben Reichart
1996Alex Harner
1996Victor Konsavage
1996Michael McCabe
1996Eric Semans
1996Matt Smith
1996Benjamin Staub
1997Matt Essick
1997Nick Krichten
1997Chip Rupp
1997Adam Slusser
1997Adam Smith
1998Shane Smith
1999Adam J. Grove
1999Jaron M. Johnston
1999Philip L. Slusser
1999Erik A. Smith
2000Cameron A. Dell
2000Joshua J. Smith
2001Nicolas R. Ames
2001Devon J. Bennett
2001Michael T. Hoffacker
2001Ethan A. Koval
2001Isaac McCarty
2001Lucas J. Slusser
2001Mark A. Slusser
2001Aaron E. Smith
2001Zachary A. Wentz
2001Jeffrey T. Wheeler
2003Matthew D. Aumen
2003Gregory A. Crushong
2003Daniel W. Derflinger
2003Ryan A. Dubas
2003Ethan C. Grove
2003Shawn C. Little
2003John A. Mulder
2003David I. Walker
2003Patrick J. Walker
2004Ethan M. Willing
2004Christopher J. Yealy
2005Isaac Boyle
2005Jacob Grove
2005Nick Staub
2006Mark Evich
2008Nicholas Evich
2008Brandon Hall
2008Nicolas Seymour

Ad Altare Dei Emblem

The purpose of the Ad Altare Dei (to the altar of God) program is to help Catholic Boy Scouts of the Roman Rite develop a fully Christian way of life in the faith community. The program is organized in chapters based on the seven Sacraments. The seven Sacraments are a primary means toward spiritual growth.

  • Before work on the workbook begins, the approval form must be signed by the applicant, parent, counselor, Unit leader, and pastor.
  • A Boy Scout of Catholic faith.
  • The content is designed for 13 and 14 year olds.
  • Older Scouts may also work on the program.
  • Active member of the Troop for six months
  • Completed sixth grade before starting the program.
1978Neil D. Brown
1978Andrew W. Crouse
1979Donald A. Bixler
1979Joseph Bonner
1979John A. Hoke
1979James M. Huff
1979Jeffrey J. Huff
1979Bryan Kenworthy
1979John Markle III
1979Eugene Miller
1979Michael A. Miller
1979John Owens
1979Stephen Owens
1979Robert L. Zinn
1981Christopher Ellwood
1981Donny C. Hoke
1981Michael P. McCullough
1981Timothy J. O’Hara
1987Duane E. Brooks
1987Steven M. Brown
1987Matthew E. Buckley
1987David R. Keating, III
1987William D. Lambert, III
1987Andrew B. Lawrence
1987Brent W. Panebaker
1990Mark T. Brown
1990Matthew J. Hicks
1993Matthew J. Borkowski
1993Joshua A. Boyer
1993Benjamin P. Eltz
1993Darren A. Smith
1995Paul R. Arigo
1995Jared T. Aumen
1995Justin R. Koval
1995Dwain M. Smith
1997Michael P. Monaghan
1997Joshua T. Staub
1998Victor J. Konsavage
1998Adam M. Slusser
2000Joseph W. Bolger
2000Thomas W. Borkowski
2000Brent H. Grove
2000Benjamin J. Staub
2000Cory M. Wasielczyk
2001Philip L. Slusser
2003Ethan A. Koval
2003David B. Seymour
2003David Seymour
2003Mark A. Slusser
2003Aaron Smith
2003Gregory Stevens
2003Zachery Wentz
2004Anthony Eltz
2004Richard E. Heistand
2004Nathaniel O. Smith
2005John A. Mulder
2005Gabriel J. Rosenbrien
2005Lucas J. Slusser
2009Joseph Ciribisi
2009Cullen Rosenbrien
2009James Rupp
2010Mark Evich

Pope Pius XII Emblem

Pope Pius XII is Catholic Scouting’s church-related ministries and vocation program.

The program deals with different life choices (single, married, religious, ordained), occupations and ministries in the church as calls from God.

It includes youth led discussions on current issues facing the church and society, which are normally included as part of a Pius XII retreat or day of recollection

  • A registered youth member of the Boy Scouts of America of the Catholic faith.
  • Has started ninth grade.
  • Designed for age 15-16 year old, but all registered Venturers (male or female before their 21st birthday) and all registered Boy Scouts (in high school, before their 18th birthday) are eligible.
1983Michael P. McCullough
1989Duane E. Brooks
1989Steven M. Brown
1989Andrew B. Lawrence
1999Paul R. Arigo
1999Andrew J. Miller
1999Joshua T. Staub
2001Adam M. Slusser
2003Adam J. Grove
2003Adam Helfrick
2003Philip L. Slusser
2004Curtis D. Billig
2004Erick A. Smith
2005Mark A. Slusser
2005Gregory H. Stevens
2008Anthony Eltz
2008John Mulder
2008Gabriel J. Rosenbrien
2008Lucas J. Slusser
2008Nathaniel O. Smith

St. George Adult Recognition Award

The National Catholic Committee on Scouting®, acting through the local diocese or eparchy, may award the St. George emblem to members of the laity and clergy, Scouters and non-Scouters alike, who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting.

The recipients of the emblem are to be sought after and selected by an active committee of the (arch)diocese/eparchy. This committee is to be newly-appointed each year by the diocesan Scout chaplain or chairperson.

Nomination forms should give a detailed description of how the nominee provides outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting in the Catholic Church. It is improper to nominate oneself or one’s spouse.

General Scouting achievements do not qualify a person to receive the St. George emblem. The Boy Scouts of America has district, council, regional and national awards for such recognition.

  • Any adult who is working in the Scouting Program.
  • May be given to clergy, religious, laity, or Scouters of other faiths.
  • A Scouter does not earn the St. George emblem but is recommended by application to a board of review by another person.
1979Richard E. Crouse
1981George L. Hoke
1981Russell H. Zimmerman
1990Earl H. Hertz
1992William A. Kline, Jr.
1992Francis W. Sanders
1994Loretta M. Sellman

National Catholic Quality Unit Award – Pope Paul VI

Cooperation, development, and program are the key words in the recognition of Catholic chartered units in earning the National Catholic Quality Unit Award – Pope Paul VI. The adult leadership responds to training not only in Scouting lores, but training in Catholic Scouter Development, and religious counseling. The Scouts in each Pack, Troop, Team, and Crew/Ship respond by participating in the religious emblems program respective of their status in Scouting.

1987Troop 103
1988Troop 103