Give the Gift of Yourself this Christmas!
Here is Our 2016 Wish List for Volunteers
We have so very much for which to be thankful. Here at the Council we have been greatly blessed with donations of time, talent and goods. This year alone we have had makeovers of our dining room (Eagle Project of Mac Anderson), our second floor hallway between the Clothing Bank and the Clinic area (Eagle Project of Jon Timmons) and of the Changing Lives Shelter Family Rooms, Play Room, Hallway and Bathroom (a Social Ministries Project of St. Matthews Lutheran Church.)
These were major projects and it caused us to wonder if there might be other groups who would be interested in working on similar projects. We invite you to Adopt-a-Project—For instance a Sunday School Class, Men’s Group, or Service Club could paint the following: the hallways of the Shelter, the Shelter bedrooms (6 on each floor), the offices of both the Shelter and our main building, or the PAL kitchen.